Georges Seurat

artist-of-the-month Feb 28, 2023
Georges Seurat

Have you heard of Georges Seurat?

He was a 19th century French neo-impressionist. Renowned as the creator of pointillism, which at that time was considered a radical technique, he would paint with purposefully planned dots of pure colour rather than mixing them on the canvas. He then relied on the eye's natural ability to blend the colours, an effect which he called chromoluminarism (now called divisionism). He had been influenced by French chemist Chevreul's work on colour theory and the impacts of adjoining colours on human visual perception. Seurat was a master of light in his paintings and this technique gave an almost glowing aspect to his artworks. Sadly he died quite young but because of his interest in the crossover of science and art he left a legacy of unique and brilliant works.

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