Watercolour is perfect for beginners

all about watercolour Oct 16, 2024

If you're reading this because you saw the title it's quite possible that you are brand new to watercolour. Let me ask you- have you ever heard anyone say that watercolour is 'too hard' for beginners?

I know I have.

And in fact, it stopped me from starting watercolour for years.

But, here's the thing, if you never start... you never get any better. I'll go a step further to that and actually say that starting watercolour is 

1. fun

2. easy

3. beginner friendly

Here's why and how!

You need to follow one simple rule

Starting watercolour is like starting anything, there are some rules associated with it. Before you are allowed on the motorway you need to put your seatbelt on, right?

It's the same with watercolour... and the one simple rule you need will mean the difference between giving up and succeeding as a beginner.

 Here it is - watercolour is about WATER and COLOUR. You need to always use water when you use watercolour. And helpfully, everything you learn about watercolour is really about WATER!!!

It sounds simple doesn't it? And it really is.

In the case of watercolour, the more water you add to your colour the lighter your colours and the less you add the darker your colour. Every watercolour works this way. This is your gateway to making expressive paintings or realistic paintings. This is how you make paintings POP or make subtle moody shifts. 

To try a look at a beginner friendly activity - click here.

Water is the difference between a muddy runny image and a bright crispy whimsical painting.

No matter what you want to paint... starting with water is the key!

In the next article I'll discuss the top three ways to use water in your watercolour paintings when you are a beginner. What to avoid and what to embrace so that it is fun and easy and rewarding.

Why not head over and read it right now.

Or if you are itching to go, choose your first watercolour painting with easy to understand steps to follow by clicking here.

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